ACNorthWest provides plenty of space and opportunity to play games with others. This page details all the ways you can find others to game with as well as how to use the games library.

The library list has been added to the G.A.M.E System, and more games are being added all the time.


G.A.M.E System - You can arrange games through the G.A.M.E System and set meeting points. You’ll need to setup a new account, even if you’ve registered before as we wipe the data after each event.
- If you see one of these at a table, there's a game that needs more players! The Lightsabers are available to borrow from the Library.
Stickers - means a gamer looking for a game, wear one if you’d like to be invited to join games
Facebook group - you can use the AireCon Community Facebook group to arrange games in advance.


We have partnered with Travelling Man to bring you a curated library of over 500 games that you can borrow from for free throughout the event. Just grab a Library Card and leave your phone number and a deposit of £10 that you'll get back when you've finished borrowing games. All games must be returned by 5pm on Sunday.

You can even borrow games to play overnight on Friday and Saturday.

The list of games available is availble on the G.A.M.E System here.