There’s LOADS of different RPGs to play in the RPG Zone, sponsored by Chaosium Inc., just look through the schedule below. We have lots of tables running regular games for a small charge as well as a bunch of free 20 minute taster sessions from Chaosium Inc.

You’ll can book your games from in advance through the ticket shop just click the button below, or head to the RPG HQ at Exchange Room 10 to book on the day.



12.30pm - Call of Cthulhu
An introduction to1920s Horror, Mystery and Investigation. 

1.30pm - Pendragon
An introduction to knightly adventures in the world of King Arthur.

2.30pm - RuneQuest
An introduction to bronze age adventure in a mythic world of gods and monsters

3.30pm - Rivers of London
An introduction to British modern mysteries in the Police Service’s special magic branch

4.30pm - Basic Role Playing
Let your imagination run wild with our Universal Game Engine.

5.30pm - Call of Cthulhu
An introduction to1920s Horror, Mystery and Investigation.


10.30am - Call of Cthulhu
An introduction to1920s Horror, Mystery and Investigation. 

11.30am - Pendragon
An introduction to knightly adventures in the world of King Arthur.

12.30pm - RuneQuest
An introduction to bronze age adventure in a mythic world of gods and monsters

1.30pm - Rivers of London
An introduction to British modern mysteries in the Police Service’s special magic branch

2.30pm - Basic Role Playing
Let your imagination run wild with our Universal Game Engine.

3.30pm - Call of Cthulhu
An introduction to1920s Horror, Mystery and Investigation.

4.30pm - Pendragon
An introduction to knightly adventures in the world of King Arthur.

5.30pm - RuneQuest
An introduction to bronze age adventure in a mythic world of gods and monsters


10.30am - Call of Cthulhu
An introduction to1920s Horror, Mystery and Investigation. 

11.30am - Pendragon
An introduction to knightly adventures in the world of King Arthur.

12.30pm - RuneQuest
An introduction to bronze age adventure in a mythic world of gods and monsters

1.30pm - Rivers of London
An introduction to British modern mysteries in the Police Service’s special magic branch

2.30pm - Basic Role Playing
Let your imagination run wild with our Universal Game Engine.

3.30pm - Call of Cthulhu
An introduction to1920s Horror, Mystery and Investigation.



AFTERNOON: 2.15-6pm

  • GM: Dan Marriott
    Tags: High Fantasy | Heist
    Players: 6

    The city of Gearport on the plaine of Kaladesh has its own issues, for to long the council of the eleven have hoarded the Aether, the renegades are hear to make them pay Aether for one and Aether for all, Your mission is to break into a Gatewatch Aether facility and make of with a supply of it, the leadership of the renegades are planning something big and this mission is key to it success, can you pull it off or will you find yourselves detained by the Gatewatch?

    A DnD 5th edition game with pre genned level 5 characters.

  • GM: Jonathon Ledgar
    Tags: Beginner friendly | Space | sci-fi | Adventure | Guided | Rules-lite | Introduction
    Players: 4

    This beginner-friendly Star Wars RPG set in the Outer Rim puts players in the shoes of 4 scoundrels on the run from Teemo the Hutt. Players will work together using the excellent narrative dice system, as well as their teamwork, to explore Mos Shutta, negotiate with locals and get into their fair share of action!

    Brilliant for new players as well as experienced players from other systems.

EVENING: 7-10.30pm

  • GM: Dan Marriott
    Tags: High Fantasy
    Players: 6

    It is the annual inventors fair in Gearport, and the Renegades have there eyes on an invention from a great artificer is the key to helping the renegades with there grand plan to tear down the council of Kaladesh, your job is simple, steal the invention but the fiar will be being watched by Gatewatch officers and investigators looking to find out who the renegade leaders are and to prevent them from succeeding, can you pill off the heist of a lifetime and write yourselves into the harlotry of Kaladesh?

  • GM: Joanna Wright
    Tags: Player-led | Beginner friendly | Mystery | Contempoorary | Rules lite | no pregens
    Players: 5

    The Matrons have been lured to the Bingo Hall by the presence of celebrity caller Ryan Reeves, but just as the game is drawing to a close one of the people in the Hall drops down dead. Can the Matrons solve this mystery? Players will take on the character of "little old ladies" , who are not as sweet an innocent as they seem, and try to solve the mystery. Character generation is quick and immersive and the action and solution is player led.

  • GM: David Gallico
    Tags: Fantasy | Horror
    Players: 6

    400 years after the destruction of the evil vampiress Countess Mekula, the annual spring Festival of Heroes is coming to an end, and as has been the case since Mekula's demise, at the Chapel of Vanquishing Light, the venerable and verbose abbot, Friar Dirk, will be presiding over the conclusion of this year's ceremony by leading readings from "The Testament of Portia the Liberator and the Saga of the Four Heroes" which traditionally continues until dawn.

    Those who stay for the entire readings traditionally receive a blessing of prosperity for the year, and a free breakfast at which the Abbey's famous smoked ham will be served.

    Unfortunately, not to mention unexpectedly, a very unwelcome visitor gatecrashes the proceedings, bent on retribution against the community! Can a band of simple yet stalwart villagers stop Mekula before the next setting of the sun? If they fail, Mekula will rise and rule the land with unspeakable tyranny!

  • GM: Joe Collins
    Tags: Beginner friendly | Mature themes | Hidden agendas | Swords and Sorcery | Action | adventure | mystery
    Players: 5

    Rumour tells of an ancient city buried deep within the jungles of Kush. Known only in hushed whispers as the Lost City of the Serpent Kings. Local lore tells of the fabulous riches hidden deep with its subterranean catacombs. In particular, the Emerald Crown of Uhkal! And now a band of hardened rebels have come up with a singular notion. Find the city, delve its depths, raid its tombs, and find the Crown. Thus to fund the overthrow their tyrannical rulers! Join them, in this action adventure in an age of swords and sandals! Ideal for beginners and veterans alike.

  • GM: Sasha Sienna
    Tags: Beginner friendly | Conflicting agendas | SF | Crime | Rules-lite
    Players: 6

    Ok, listen up scummer, here’s the deal. You’re jekked. You’re void. And you need to get out in one piece. The job started fine - your crew got into the vault, grabbed the money and were headed for the exit when some would-be hero tripped the jekking alarm. Your ship was locked down and you had to grab the nearest piece of dreg you could find to get out. Now Hunter Kolz is on your tail and the can you stole didn't have the fuel to get further than the Dantix system. You're pulling into Port Caliban - a tiny space station with the only fuel for 5 light years - with three cases of stolen credstix that aren't worth dreg till you get them to a cleaner and the body of the rachit whose can you stole in the hold. Will you work together to get out in one piece, turn on each other to try and save your own skin, or go down in a blaze of zero-g desperation?


MORNING: 10.15am-1.15pm

  • GM: Joanna Wright
    Tags: Beginner friendly | Lovecraftian Horror | Dinosaurs | Investigation
    Players: 6

    The investigators have been hired by Miskatonic University to check into reports of strange sightings on a hill west of Arkham. There have been strange noises and lights and property destruction. The investigators have a month to find out what is going on. There will be a choice of pregenerated characters and no previous knowledge of Call of Cthulhu is required.

  • GM: Millie Lavelle
    Tags: PVP | Conflicting agendas | Hidden agendas | Beginner friendly | Horror
    Players: 6

    Welcome to Salisbury. A Three World Empire planet designated for survival and endurance training of the elite Royal Marine Commandos. You’re not them. You’re part of The Royal Engineers training recalibration platoon. After the big boys from the RMC have passed through, you’re there to reset the supply caches and rebuild the training zones. It's literally a walk in the park, and nothing could go wrong... Right?

  • GM: Thom Aldritt
    Tags: Beginner friendly | Dark fantasy | Mature themes | Medieval | Western Heroic | Rules-Lite | War
    Players: 6

    The Village of Rustwater straddles the border between the great prairie and the Ilderwood, far from the reach or interest of any lord. The season is turning, signalling the beginning of the harvest, and with it comes blood. The Black Vine, a notorious band of Wood Elf marauders, are on the way hungry to claim what is rightfully theirs. They have made their intentions clear, any villagers still residing on that scrap of land when they arrive will be slain. The farmers cannot bring themselves to flee their home, the decision has been made to fight for Rustwater with whatever weapons they can get their hands on. Good steel may be expensive, but luckily for the villagers down-on-their-luck adventurers are cheap. This adventure is inspired by films like Seven Samurai or The Magnificent Seven. You've been employed to defend a village from a large army of bandits, the details of how you go about it are up to you.

  • GM: Callum Mckenna
    Tags: Beginner friendly
    Players: 5

    Welcome to Barracuda Beach, where hard working adventuring parties can kick back, relax and soak up some much needed sunlight. The seafront's always pretty popular on a day like today, but don't let the crowds stop you! I think there's a bit of space over there... or over there, maybe...

  • GM: Ella Watts
    Tags: Beginner friendly | Comedy | Fantastical | Looney Tunes | Ridiculous | Light-Hearted
    Players: 5

    You and your fellow players are cartoon characters in a whacky, Saturday morning cartoon world where the laws of physics, biology and society no longer apply. If it's funny, it works. Be as silly as possible and have a great time.


  • GM: Dan Marriott
    Tags: High Fantasy | Player Led
    Players: 6

    Lord Joseph Lionwhite has called you to help clear his ancestral home of the evil that has plagued his family for many generations since his great, great, great Grandfather, destroyed a hag coven many years ago, the ancestral seat has been abandoned long enough and now you are called to clear it of the curse so he can return to his family home.

    A DnD 5th edition game inspired by Scooby doo

  • GM: Jonathon Ledgar
    Tags: Beginner friendly | Space | sci-fi | Adventure | Guided | Rules-lite | Introduction
    Players: 4

    This beginner-friendly Star Wars RPG set in the Outer Rim puts players in the shoes of 4 scoundrels on the run from Teemo the Hutt. Players will work together using the excellent narrative dice system, as well as their teamwork, to explore Mos Shutta, negotiate with locals and get into their fair share of action!

    Brilliant for new players as well as experienced players from other systems.

  • GM: Thom Alldritt
    Tags: PBeginner friendly | Hidden agendas | Mature themes | Urban Fantasy | Crime | Espionage | Storygame | Narrative | Intrigue
    Players: 6

    There's a party going down in Red Row.

    Mr Winters, prominent gun runner and gangster, is hosting a birthday soiree at his mansion. The guest list is a veritable who's who of the underspire's most dangerous and despicable and Winters is their king.

    Winters has been quietly selling weapons on the cheap to the Paladins and the City Guard, the Ministry can barely keep up with the arms race. He has crossed a line.

    Your handler at the Ministry was very clear about two things:
    1. Winters has to die.
    2. It can't be quiet and it absolutely can't look like an accident. You are to make an example out of him and send a message to anyone else thinking of siding with our oppressors.

    They couldn't swing you an invite but that shouldn't be a problem should it?

    Spire is a game about desperate revolutionary dark elves caught up in a secret war against the high elves, or aelfir, who rule the towering city of Spire. It's a story focused game with straightforward rules, brutal combat and a unique setting.

  • GM: Fergus Hadley
    Tags: Beginner friendly | Fantasy | Tolkien | Low Magic | Travel | Heroes
    Players: 6

    In the wilds of Wilderland, over the Misty Mountains, under the eaves of Mirkwood, close, in fact, to where the Elf Path leads eastwards through the depths of the forest to distant Lake Town, Dale and the Lonely Mountain, you will find The Easterly Inn, a place of fine ale, finer sausages, safe rest and quiet comfort that allows travellers a chance to recuperate midway along their journey.

    But all is not well at the inn. A hobbit is missing and there are rumours of goblins returning to the mountain passes. Will your heroes venture forth to save not just a lost innkeeper but the future of the homely inn itself?

EVENING: 7-10.30pm

  • GM: Dan Marriott
    Tags: High Fantasy | Player Led
    Players: 6

    A mysterious note on the bullitin board at the Firejolt cafe leads you to meet Wisteria Appledackle, who has a summoning miss happ and is on extra double secreat probation, if this comes back to her she will be expelled from Stryxhaven, the most prestigious magical college in the multiverse. Can you help her and save her accademic career and reputation?

  • GM: David Gallico
    Tags: Mature themes | Fantasy | Horror
    Players: 6

    Mummy and Daddy were wrong, very wrong! There ARE monsters in the closet! The PCs learn this horrifying truth when Terror seeks them out in the 'safety' of their own homes, wrenching them from their beds and drawing them into a tailored web of a long-deferred, meticulously planned vengeance, trapped in the House of Tattered Remnants, home, and prison of a mysterious entity known only as the Sempstress! Here they must overcome patchwork horrors, unearthly craftsmen, and even the unravelling of their own realities, if they are to defeat the Sempstress in her own lair and escape the House. Failure will result in the PCs being unmade by the Sempstress' evil!


MORNING: 10.15am-1.15pm

  • GM: Dan Marriott
    Tags: High Fantasy | Player Led
    Players: 6

    A series of attacks on the campus of Stryxhaven, and when strange creatures attack the Firejolt cafe, you are duty bound to investigate where they are coming frm and what is going on, This adventure may even allow you to pledge to your choice of college as you continue your studies, the first year is coming to an end, but will it be the end of your studies or lead you to greater things in the future?

  • GM: Thom Aldritt
    Tags: Beginner friendly | Dark fantasy | Mature themes | Medieval | Western Heroic | Rules-Lite | War
    Players: 6

    Prince Lazzero the Usurper's insurrection has failed, his estates have been put to the sword, his armies butchered in the field, and by the looks of thing his plan is to spend what's left of his life holed up in his last stronghold, the impenetrable mountain fortress of Carafarmo.

    "Impenetrable" is currently being put to the test by the Brotherhood of the Silver Lance, a mercenary company who were among Lazzero's most redoubtable allies until he started losing the war. They are seeking to prove their loyalty to the Council of Regents by sacking their former employer's stronghold and confiscating his fortune.

    An interested party has employed you to ensure that they have a chance to discuss certain things with Lazzero before he leaves this world. You have been employed to bring him out alive and, if at all possible, undamaged. To do that you'll just need to break into one of the most heavily fortified buildings in the world while it's being encircled by a battalion of mercenaries and cut-throats.

    They didn't mention anything about his fortune, but you assume that it's fair game.

  • GM: Graham Spearing
    Tags: Beginner friendly | Arthurian Fantasy
    Players: 5

    As trusted heroes of the realm, you are commanded by King Agricola to act as an escort fror his daughter Gwenhwyfar, to travel from Urbe Legionis to Caerleon, across the dangerous lands that lie between them.

    King Agricola of Urbe Legionis seeks to form an alliance with Siluria to help in defence against a common enemy, the Kingdom of Powys, which lies between them. To seal this alliance, King Caradoc Strongarm of Siluria has agreed to marry Agricola's daughter, Gwenhwyfar.

    Gwenhwyfar, however, is a strong and independent woman, and has reservations about the match. She will not agree to a marriage with a man she has never met, in a country she has never seen. The princess is therefore determined to meet King Caradoc in his homeland. King Agricola has acquiesced to his daughter's wishes, as he always seems to, though not without considerable exasperation.

    May the old gods and the new one guide your path!

  • GM: Fergus Hadley
    Tags: Investigation | (Mild) Cosmic Horror | Famous Five | Swallows and Amazons | H. P. Lovecraft
    Players: 5

    With Father tied up at The Ministry, and Mother busy with her Important Charity Work, their little darlings find themselves sent to spend the summer camping in the grounds of Wentworth Manor, an old pile belonging to a friend of Father on the shores of Lake Windermere. With Mrs. Prude, the elderly housekeeper, to keep an eye on them, a dinghy in the boathouse, a hamper full of sandwiches and ginger beer, and a strange shadow beneath the lake to investigate, this summer promises to be whizzer! What if… Stranger Things was set in idyllic pre-war Britain?


  • GM: Joanna Wright
    Tags: Player-led | Beginner friendly | Investigation | Medieval | Rules-lite | low combat
    Players: 6

    Your patron the lord of the manor has sent you to find out why a village miller refuses to mill any grain. If you fail the Lord has said he will raze the entire village to the ground. There seems to be something more to the situation than just a recalcitrant miller, there have been reports of strange goings on although the superstitious villagers have closed ranks against outsiders. Your lord and patron has employed you because of your experience in supernatural matters - this is your first assignment so you need to prove yourselves.

  • GM: David Gallico
    Tags: Fantasy
    Players: 6

    A corrupt Duke of Lankhmar’s foibles paraded before the masses for their entertainment puts an acting troupe in trouble. Threatened by the insulted Duke and his private guard, the performers need assistance to make it through their final performance of “The Fiascos of Duke Hogfat.” With nobody else to turn to, the troupe hires the PCs as their evening’s protectors. Will the play end in a standing ovation or will the Duke and his thugs bring down the house on the troupe and their defenders?

  • GM: Jonathon Ledgar
    Tags: Beginner friendly | Player-led | Abstract | odd | weird | artsy | Rules-lite | exploration | dialogue
    Players: 6

    The world of Troika is as incredibly beautiful as it is incredibly weird. Rolling to D6s to choose your character, in this session you will find yourselves in a hotel, with the simple goal being to get to your room. Will you take the stairs and be teleported into another dimension? Or will you take the lift and bump into a Rhino-man? Perfect for new players and experienced players alike, especially if "odd" is your favourite flavour of RPG!